The severe weather has continued to take a direct toll on human lives, with more than 1,200 people reported to have died, including 244 women, 526 men and 416 children. Nearly 4,900 people have reportedly been injured, including at least 2,670 women, 1,281 men and 816 children.
Rainfall is 2.87 times higher than the national 30-year average.
Over 1.1 million houses have now been damaged or destroyed, with the number of destroyed houses doubling to over 436,000 and the number of damaged houses rising by 63 per cent to over 736,000.
Humanitarian partners are providing aid for flood-affected people even as weather and ground conditions inhibit access.
2000 kilometers of road and 98 bridges were damaged or destroyed over the past week, for a total of over 5,000 km and 243 bridges damaged or destroyed in the last 2.5 months. Most of this increase was incurred in KP, which reported nearly 1,600 km of damaged and destroyed roads as of 1 September, compared to just 7 km a week ago.